Using the tab Control


Active member
Nov 20, 2011
Programming Experience

I have a database added to my project using the Service based DB.

I have a main form called Sites which has a tab control on it.

In the tab control page 1 I have inserted a table from my dataset call Programme which has 4 fields. The Sites primary key is SitesID and the Programme table has a foreign key called fkSitesID.

When I insert this Program table into the Page1 of the tab control how can I get it to direct link(bind) with the current record on the Sites form thus making each record in the tab unique to the sites.

Also I think I need to add a navigator to the Program tab as it has a relation of 1 to many with Sites.

Any help will be great?
Master/Detail (Parent/Child) Data-binding

You may well be populating your DataSet differently and perhaps dragging tables onto the form in the designer. None of that really matters. The important thing is that you have two DataTables in a DataSet with a DataRelation between them and two BindingSources. How you got there is immaterial. Once there, you just have to bind the BindingSources in the way described and you're good to go.