Using programs on other computers


Active member
Jan 9, 2008
Programming Experience
Hello there, I'm having a great time programming in .NET, but there is one thing that bothers me, it seems that you must have the .NET framework installed on computers to run your programs.

Is there any way around this? A converter or something? I could resort to going back to Visual Basic 6, but that would mean obtaining a copy - I'd rather just use the programs from .NET.

Anyone know anything about this?
There is no way to run a program using the .Net framework without the computer having the .Net framework installed. I don't see why it would be a problem for you...simply install the .Net framework on the computer.
Also VB6 requires it's runtime. Framework version 2.0 which is only 3 years old is installed on most computers already (updated XP or Vista), .Net 3.5 as your profile is brand new, VS2008 isn't even officially released yet! (or maybe it was last week :confused:) The installer can also detect Framework presence and only get it if needed.