Resolved MM Player for .NET


Aug 21, 2023
Programming Experience
I have a project of 6 modules with many visual elements and about 3,000 lines of code, written in .NET that I would like to convert to Framework 4.5: is it possible? If yes with what difficulties and chances of success?
In the current project I have attempted to insert an MM control; I have tried to insert WMP, evidently with little success, since they are incompatible.
I have tried LibVLCSharp 3.7.0 with some problems (no control added, library among dependencies, but names not recognized).

Better yet, is it possible to use an MM control similar to WMP in the current environment? I would like to play video from local and network. Is there anything that responds well?
Thank you for your kind response.
Why does that need to be embedded?

Thank you for your intervention,
I understand the perplexity: in fact my question is badly posed because it was related to another thread, but I omitted the connection with the previous question (Controls added, but not enabled).
I had a project (net6) that needed to insert a MWP control, since this is not possible I was asking if there is a way to overcome the problem.
Seeing the difficulty of this, I built a new project using Framework 4.7.2.
Solved for that reason.
Generally better to create winforms apps on framework, not core, IMHO. Core will probably never support winforms as well as framework does