Question Updating GUI Controls (Delegates?BackgroundWorker? Threading)


Feb 8, 2010
Programming Experience

I've been trying out the new parallel loops in the .net framework 4.0 which handles most threading etc.
Now I got an application which doesn't really need multithreading, rather than 1 seperate thread to do the work.
One of the major problems I always had is update controls in a thread safe way. If you put all your code in 1 form, it isn't that hard to do. But when you got more than one class it requires more I guess.

My question is, how can I update my status controls (labels, progressbar) in a thread safe way without my app getting frozen.

Program structure:
*GUI form with all the controls, mainly a start and some other buttons and listbox and a couple of labels who have to be updated and a progressbar.
*Worker class who does a loop, in this loop there must be a callback to the form which updates the GUI controls. This class can ask info from the third class.
*Another class which is called in the worker class for a couple of times in the loop, which does some work on its own.

Basicly I first thought about delegates in this way:

In the GUI form, I make an instance of the worker class. Then when I click on start I call a method from the worker class which does a loop in this way:
Worker.DoSomething(True, New StatusDelegates.StatusDelegate(AddressOf StatusMessage)

Invoking a control in the GUI:
Public Sub StatusCheckedTextbox(ByVal message As String)
        If Me.txtChecked.InvokeRequired Then
            Me.Invoke( _
                New StatusDelegates.StatusCheckedTextbox(AddressOf StatusCheckedTextbox), _
                New Object() {message})
            Me.txtChecked.Text = Me.txtChecked.Text & message
        End If
    End Sub

I got a statusdelegates class:
Public Delegate Sub StatusCheckedTextbox(ByVal message As String)
... other delegates 
End Class

In the worker class in the loop:
If Not StatusCheckedTextbox Is Nothing Then
                            End If

Main problem doing this is that the GUI still freezes or doesn't freeze but doesn't update untill all the work is done, which is in a way logical.
This can be solved using a backgroundworker (or creating a different thread, but I'd rather work with the backgroundworker), but how can I pass information then in a proper way?

Do I still need those delegates then? I know you can pass back information from the BGW like a progress integer, but I atleast need to update 4 labels, change the index from two listboxes, updating a log textbox and display the progress in a progressbar. And that all or a part of them or a combination (dynamic to the situation) in the loop in the workerclass.

Where do I need to declare the backgroundworker then? I guess still in the GUI form (since you cant just put heave code on the main form (aka call of the method which performs a loop from the workerclass), or it'll freeze).
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know you can pass back information from the BGW like a progress integer
There is a 'state As Object' parameter also where you can put anything you like. For example you can pass on a class instance containing extended event info.
There is a 'state As Object' parameter also where you can put anything you like. For example you can pass on a class instance containing extended event info.

Where do I need to declare the backgroundworker then? Since if I would declare it in the workerclass, it still needs to have delegates in order to be able to get to the GUI form?
If I declare it in the GUI then the workerclass doesn't know anything about the GUI form. Since in the dowork there would only be a call of the workerclass.dosomething() where in that class the loop occurs.
Its quite simple to work with the backgroundworker on 1 form, when all you code is in 1 form. But I do the actual work in a worker class.

I'm quite a mess with updating gui controls in a proper way :p.
- either you have to let the class know what controls to update, which creates a tight coupling between UI and your worker class and is generally bad design,
- or you can define events in worker class that you raise to notify any listener about something. Listener can then act accordingly and update the appropriate UI. Event Statement
- another option, that something in between, is to pass the BW reference to the worker class, and use it to ReportProgress.