Question trouble with list boxes. ( homework help )


Sep 28, 2012
Programming Experience
Hello all. I'm having difficulty displaying text using a FOR-NEXT loop and displaying its results to a list box. At this point, I don't know if there's something I'm not doing to the ListBox1's property to make it display a list. I've followed many examples but all present results to a console and I got that to work, but not a listbox.

It seems so simple...

At what point to you write to each line in the list? (or is this not how they work)

For x As Integer = 1 to 100[INDENT]{do something}[/INDENT]

the result i'm trying to get a simple list in the box:


Perhaps your search terms were not ambiguous enough.

I googled : " how to add items to listbox" and had my answer from the meta-text without having to click into any of the links.

Try that search phrase yourself and see if it helps. I'm not sure what the forum etiquette is on homework problems so I wont spell out the answer for you. I will tell you however that you are right, it is simple. If you break your problem down into its pieces then it will be easier. First (piece 1), you need to add items to a listbox.. Second (piece 2), you need to utilize a for/next loop to carry out piece 1.

So your steps should be first to learn how to add 1 item to a list box, second, how to use a for next loop, and then third, put them both together.

Hope this helps
Thank you 22, it does help because I didn't realize I was "adding" items, I keep trying to find a way to make a listbox mimic the sequential display I'm getting from a console. :)

Also, a good note on forum etiquette as I certainly don't want anyone doing my homework. Ok, I'll keep plugging away. Thanks again.

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I will tell you however that you are right, it is simple.

Yep! (I feel dumb) This is all I was trying to do. Obviously, I'm not going to see that with output to a console. As I stated, I was thinking of "listing" as I've done in other languages. It just never occurred that I needed to "add". Anyway, problem solved--now the logic...

Dim int1 As Integer

        For int1 = 1 To 10
            {more stuff to code}
            {Exit when condition is met}
        Next int1