Testing equality of images


Sep 7, 2008
Programming Experience
Can someone tell me how to test if one image is the same as another?
I have looked all over for what seems to me a simple problem. Can not find a solution. If you need more information, let me know.:)
In what context and by which criteria would you consider two images to be "same"? For example:
  • same reference?
  • same filename?
  • same file/memory size and dimensions?
  • all same pixel values?
Same filename should be sufficient.
I'm trying to ask the question (of my program): Is image A the same
as image B AND is image B the same as image C.
You haven't said anything about context, but if you're using pictureboxes you can use the ImageLocation to display the image and at some point compare the file path. Image class instances themselves do not contain path information, but it has a Tag property where you can store this.