stackOvelflowException ?


Apr 21, 2006
Programming Experience
stackOverflowException ?

this error occurs as i run my .exe file: stackOvelflowException. i think its a run time error. Can anyone help me fix it? there are no errors during build, btw.:confused:
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the problem is, i don't know where the error happens. because everything was okay during build. i just cannot run the .exe file

Can you post the details of event, that occurs the error. it seems to casting problem, i suggest if you know the event causing the error, create trace file in your application and set flag to 1 to record all trace error, and post the trace log file.

Happy coding.
Hi. Found the error but I'm not so sure if this is really the one. Apparently, instead of just instantiating the forms in the area where global variable is declared, I've also created them. So, there goes the error, i guess.

I just replaced :
Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Dim nfrmLogIn As New frmLogIn

Into :
Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Dim nfrmLogIn As frmLogIn

and then added :
nfrmLogIn = New frmLogIn

into the area where i wanted the form be created (let's say on button_click)
