Sorting a two Dimensional Array


Nov 10, 2009
Programming Experience
I am writing an auto insurance application. I need to sort a three dimensional array in descending order based on an integer value in third field in the array.
The CalcPremium function returns an integer value.

Dim CarDriverArray(3, 3)
CarDriverArray(0, 0) = "D1"
CarDriverArray(0, 1) = "C1"
CarDriverArray(0, 2) = CalcPremium()
CarDriverArray(1, 0) = "D2"
CarDriverArray(1, 1) = "C1"
CarDriverArray(1, 2) = CalcPremium()
CarDriverArray(2, 0) = "D3"
CarDriverArray(2,1) = "C1"
CarDriverArray(2,2) = CalcPremium()

I need to sort the CalcPremium element in the array in descending order.
I tried using the sort function but it states it requires a one dimensional array. How would this be accomplished?
While you can do it with IComparer wouldn't you be better off putting this information in a DataTable?

Public Class Form1

    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

        Dim obj1() As Object = New Object() {"D1", "C1", 2}
        Dim obj2() As Object = New Object() {"D2", "C1", 0}
        Dim obj3() As Object = New Object() {"D3", "C1", 1}

        Dim CarDriverArray()() As Object = {obj1, obj2, obj3}

        Dim comp As New JagComparer
        Array.Sort(CarDriverArray, comp)

    End Sub
End Class

Public Class JagComparer
    Implements IComparer

    Public Function Compare(ByVal x As Object, ByVal y As Object) As Integer Implements System.Collections.IComparer.Compare
        'x & y are Object()
        Dim arr1() As Object = DirectCast(x, Object)
        Dim arr2() As Object = DirectCast(y, Object)
        Return -CInt(arr1(2)).CompareTo(CInt(arr2(2)))
    End Function
End Class

Oops. Didn't see the descending requirement on the original post. Changed the sign of the Compare functions return.
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Save all the values to a one-dimensional array using the length of the 3D array, and then sort it:

                Dim N As Integer = ArrayDim.Length
		Dim x As Integer = 0
		Dim OneArray(N - 1) As String
		For Each valu As String In ArrayDim
			OneArray(x) = valu
			x += 1
		Next valu
		For Each valu As String In OneArray
			'display the values
		Next valu

Note: Your original post lists a two-dimensional array, not 3D. The above code will work with either dimension. To display in descending order, first you must use the Sort method, and then the Reverse method.
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I just realized you only want to extract the integer values. In that case, you can add the following code to the end of my previous post:

Dim num As Integer
For i As Integer = 0 To N - 1
	If Integer.TryParse(OneArray(i), num) <> 0 Then
		'display the value
	End If
Next i