Question SELECT dropdown has no OPTION tags (WebBrowser Control)


Active member
Mar 31, 2009
Programming Experience
Hello everyone (apologies if I posted in the wrong thread),

I created a Windows Form application that used a Webrowser control to automate the process of entering data into a website. One of the tasks included selecting a server name from a dropdown menu (SELECT tag). I was able to get a collection of all of the OPTION tags and use HTMLElement.SetAttribute("selectedIndex","indexValue") to select the server I needed.

The website recently went through a redesign and now there are no OPTION tags. It appears that the values for the SELECT tags are added by JavaScript dynamically. I have tried using HTMLElement.SetAttribute("selectedIndex","indexValue") directly, but I am unable to select what I need.

Does anybody have any experience with this issue? Can anybody recommend any solutions? Your help would be greatly appreciated.