"Save As..." dialog box needed


Jun 3, 2004
Dallas, TX
Programming Experience
How can I display a "Save As..." dialog box using ASP.NET or VB.NET "code behind"?

We want to locate our database in a different directory than the website is located on (same server, though), so that random visitors (hackers?) can not stumble upon it with a direct link.

I am going to work with Server.MapPath() to try and locate the database (currently does not work, either), but I don't know how to make it "downloadable" for our client's PC once they have logged into the site.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Am I taking the wrong approach to this?
If you made the database location a link then they would simply be able to click it and a "save" dialog would appear. Not sure if that helps but give it a try.
They have this now, and they do not like it. They want something more secure for their financial transactions database.

Anyone can write down the link (on a piece of paper, in Windows History, or in an email) and access the database.
Are you trying to have the entire database downloadable? This seems odd.

The common approach would be to create a WebApp that would interact with the database. Use one of the many many security approaches to secure the database pages.

If you are trying to have it downloadable, why not use FTP which has more security features for downloading files.

If that's not possible (you need an FTP server) use a secure page containing the link. The secure page would require a login and the link could be an ASP command button that hides the location and send the file using code.
The truth? Our client is cheap and they don't know how to use FTP. We told them about adding some controls to run their queries and such, but they didn't want to pay for the programming time required to put those features in there. Instead, they just want us to make the database download-able so that they can use it with their own queries.

On a side note, I am really tired of working on this website contract. I just want it done so that I can move along and concentrate on my other jobs.

That last sentence of yours "...the link could be an ASP command button that hides the location and send the file using code." That sounds like what I'm trying to do. How would I go about doing something like that?
Webdav Possible

Im not sure if the questio is to keep the database secure but if it is the i would sugest using webdav instead of ftp if you are using a windows box then you have the ability to set a drive path to that folder. This would also give you the ability to use windows authintication in order for pp to acess that folder much more secure and to me a simplier solution the Ftp....