Run with Parameters, blocked...


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2007
Programming Experience
I've noticed something in the attempt to get my application ready for publishing, and in that I have set certain "security" settings or what not for the click-once publishing.

Filling out the "strong name" key file, and "Click Once manifests" for the signing, and on saving and attempting to publish it automatically sets the "Enable ClickOnce Security Settings" on the security page. Now my app is listed on that page as a "Full Trust" application, which basically is correct since it is a platform application, not web or network based. But in this circumstance I end up receiving this error:

The current project settings specify that the project will be debugged with specific security permissions. In this mode, command line arguments will not be passed to the executable.

I know I can just turn off the clickonce security and it goes away, but I'm just curious as to why this is, and if there is anyway to allow parameters to be passed by the IDE even with security settings active.

In security tab you can select Partial Trust then in Advanced dialog untick "Debug this application with the selected permission set", which means you keep ClickOnce security settings for deployment, but ignore them for debugging. Also if you now switch back to Full Trust the warning is gone, so I think that setting applied for both.