refreshing web project


New member
Feb 1, 2008
Programming Experience
I have a peculiar problem with vs .net 2008. I used to have vs .net 2005 but then I uninstalled it and installed a fresh copy of vs .net 2008 pro edition. This problem only appeared on vs .net 2008. The problem is:

1. I start vs .net 2008 and open my website. I double click on an aspx file, let's call it main.aspx. Under "Design" mode I click on a label control then go to the "Properties" pannel, and change the label text from let's say "Hello world" to "How are you". Then I save the changes. However, when I go to the "Source" window, the code still shows "Hello world" instead of the new text change "How are you". When I refresh my website, the text didn't change as well. However when I go into the "Source" window and make the text change in there, then the text change does reflect under "Design" mode, also, when I make the text change under the "Source" window and I save the file the changes do get saved correctly.

My computer has full right access to this network drive. A coworker of mine has vs .net 2008 and doesn't have this problem.

Has anybody seen this behavior? Any pointers that you can provide to me?
i used to use VS 2005 then upgraded to 2008, i found it easier to redesign everything in 2008, also i found that sometimes upgrading your project, it could not convert everything to the 2008 format.

i dont know how to solve the problem but that i my way of solving it. it takes longer i know. i always end up fixing a few bugs in the process