Question Putting an access database online.


Aug 1, 2012
Programming Experience
Ok I know access isn't the best for online databases, but that is what i am using anyway. I have a visual basic application that users enter data into textboxes. This data is then sent to the database. I am doing it locally right now, but how could I put the database online so everyone with the program could input data into it, and how would I have to change my connection string?
Ok, I have never used sequel server before. I looked up how to migrate it and it seems easy, but after it is in sequel server form how easy is it to modify. I have heard sequel server involves a lot more programming. Would I be better off finishing the database in access before I migrate it.

Also, how do I insert data into a sequel database, cause my program is setup to connect with access.
Well how much modifications to your program you will have to do depends on your current code, but it should not be so hard. There is virtually nothing changing in terms of access, although some queries might need adjustments.