Opening an Application File in Code


Active member
Dec 27, 2006
Programming Experience
I'm trying to determine how to open a MS-Project .MPX file in vb.NET. I've created a valid .MPX interface file that has the extension properly registered. I have used the Windows API OpenFile to perform this operation in the past. Within the code it must determine the file type by comparing the extenstion and then open the file using the correct application. I do not want to use the OpenFileDialog but open it programmatically without a dialog. I can't find this on the Internet because the search keys are in almost every document. Any help would be appreciated.
Solution Described

I've discovered and tested the System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:\text.txt") which will automatically open the file in my registered text editor and have created a sub called OpenFile to maintain an alias for the way I used to do it.