Open program inside my app


Apr 19, 2007
Programming Experience

I like to play games in my computer (San Andreas, the godfather, warcraft etc.) and everytime I open a game I think of the same thing... "What if I could open whis game in window mode?".

By window mode I mean not fullscreen as they usually open in to, but in a window so that I can see other windows etc. without minimizing the game. I tried google for finding such program but with no success so I decided to try making one on my own.

The problem is that I don't know if that's possible, what I need or where to start! Could someone pls help me?


(sorry for my bad english)
I highly doubt it's possible to play warcraft in a window unless blizzard has added that ability to the game already.

Full screen games are handled much differently than a regular window which means a full screen game probably doesn't have a window handle for you to "grab" and force into a window
Thank you for your answer!

Well I was affraid of that... Damn! well if there isn't something I can do then I should continue playing as I already do.. in fullscreen heh

Thanks once again