nibbles clone game

Ok Im getting the codes right now... Its really buggy im trying to find out why, once it hits itself it doesnt reload your next life the program just ceases but when you hit a wall it reloads and they are sent to the same sub. Also alot of things are gonna be wierd bu here all of it is anway. All you need is a panel "Panel1" and a timer "caterpillar"

Panel1's width is 480 and height 320.

Imports System.Math
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D
Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
' " Windows Form Designer generated code "
Private _Up As Boolean = False
Private _Down As Boolean = False
Private _Right As Boolean = True
Private _Left As Boolean = False
Private a As Integer = 64
Private b As Integer = 48
Private z, m, k, l, p As Integer
Private W As Integer
Private walls(30) As Rectangle
Dim cookie(12) As Rectangle
Dim X_ As Integer = 64
Dim Y_ As Integer = 48
Dim oldsquares(1000) As Point
Dim oldsquaresS(1000) As Rectangle
Dim Segments As Integer = 8
Dim LIVES As Integer = 5
Dim SCORE As Integer
Dim SPEED As Integer = 8
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
Sub Level1()
Panel1.Width = 480
Panel1.Height = 320
Dim g As Graphics = Panel1.CreateGraphics
Dim Gpen As New Pen(Color.FromArgb(255, 100, 255, 100), 1)
Dim GBrush As New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(150, 50, 255, 50))
walls(1) = New Rectangle(0, 0, 5, 80)
walls(2) = New Rectangle(0, 120, 5, 140)
walls(3) = New Rectangle(0, 300, 5, 20)
walls(4) = New Rectangle(0, 0, Panel1.Width - 140, 5)
walls(5) = New Rectangle(Panel1.Width - 100, 0, Panel1.Width, 5)
walls(6) = New Rectangle(0, Panel1.Height - 10, Panel1.Width - 140, 5)
walls(7) = New Rectangle(Panel1.Width - 100, Panel1.Height - 10, Panel1.Width, 5)
walls(8) = New Rectangle(Panel1.Width - 10, 0, 5, 80)
walls(9) = New Rectangle(Panel1.Width - 10, 120, 5, 140)
walls(10) = New Rectangle(Panel1.Width - 10, 300, 5, 20)
walls(11) = New Rectangle(296, 232, 89, 5) '---
walls(12) = New Rectangle(Panel1.Width - 100, 232, 5, 96) '|
'RIGHT wall
walls(13) = New Rectangle(Panel1.Width - 120, 120, 120, 5) '---
walls(14) = New Rectangle(Panel1.Width - 100, 180, 100, 5) ' --
walls(15) = New Rectangle(Panel1.Width - 100, 0, 5, 72) ' |
'LEFT wall
walls(16) = New Rectangle(0, 120, 140, 5) ' -----
walls(17) = New Rectangle(70, 60, 5, 60) ' |
'UPPER wall
walls(18) = New Rectangle(164, 0, 5, 96) ' |
walls(19) = New Rectangle(300, 60, 5, 120) ' |
walls(20) = New Rectangle(220, 140, 80, 5) ' --
walls(21) = New Rectangle(220, 100, 5, 40) '|
walls(22) = New Rectangle(178, 140, 5, 100) ' |
walls(23) = New Rectangle(60, 180, 5, 90) '----
walls(24) = New Rectangle(60, 180, 118, 5) '|
walls(25) = New Rectangle(60, 250, 78, 5) '--
'LOWER wall
walls(26) = New Rectangle(250, 200, 5, 120) ' |
For z = 1 To 26
g.FillRectangle(GBrush, walls(z))
g.DrawRectangle(Gpen, walls(z))
cookie(1) = New Rectangle(130, 24, 6, 6)
cookie(2) = New Rectangle(190, 32, 6, 6)
cookie(3) = New Rectangle(420, 16, 6, 6)
cookie(4) = New Rectangle(240, 124, 6, 6)
cookie(5) = New Rectangle(280, 160, 6, 6)
cookie(6) = New Rectangle(440, 140, 6, 6)
cookie(7) = New Rectangle(20, 240, 6, 6)
cookie(8) = New Rectangle(80, 230, 6, 6)
cookie(9) = New Rectangle(230, 280, 6, 6)
cookie(10) = New Rectangle(265, 300, 6, 6)
cookie(11) = New Rectangle(270, 280, 6, 6)
cookie(12) = New Rectangle(480, 240, 6, 6)
For z = 1 To 12
g.FillEllipse(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 100, 0, 100)), cookie(z))
g.DrawEllipse(Pens.Yellow, cookie(z))
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles MyBase.KeyDown
Dim strKeyPress As String = Nothing
strKeyPress = e.KeyCode.ToString()
Select Case strKeyPress.ToUpper()
Case "UP"
If _Down = False Then
_Up = True
_Down = False
_Right = False
_Left = False
End If
Case "DOWN"
If _Up = False Then
_Up = False
_Down = True
_Right = False
_Left = False
End If
Case "RIGHT"
If _Left = False Then
_Up = False
_Down = False
_Right = True
_Left = False
End If
Case "LEFT"
If _Right = False Then
_Up = False
_Down = False
_Right = False
_Left = True
End If
Case "ENTER"
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub Caterpillar_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Caterpillar.Tick
Dim G As Graphics = Panel1.CreateGraphics
Dim CPen As New Pen(Color.Red, 1)
p += 1
If _Up = True Then
oldsquares(p) = New Point(X_, Y_)
G.FillEllipse(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(150, 200, 50, 50)), X_, Y_, 6, 10)
G.DrawEllipse(CPen, X_, Y_, 8, 8)
End If
If _Down = True Then
oldsquares(p) = New Point(X_, Y_)
G.FillEllipse(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(150, 200, 50, 50)), X_, Y_, 6, 10)
G.DrawEllipse(CPen, X_, Y_, 8, 8)
End If
If _Left = True Then
oldsquares(p) = New Point(X_, Y_)
G.FillEllipse(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(150, 200, 50, 50)), X_, Y_, 6, 10)
G.DrawEllipse(CPen, X_, Y_, 8, 8)
End If
If _Right = True Then
oldsquares(p) = New Point(X_, Y_)
G.FillEllipse(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(150, 200, 50, 50)), X_, Y_, 6, 10)
G.DrawEllipse(CPen, X_, Y_, 8, 8)
End If
If X_ <= -1 Then
X_ = Panel1.Width
End If
If X_ >= Panel1.Width + 1 Then
X_ = -8
End If
If Y_ <= -1 Then
Y_ = Panel1.Height
End If
If Y_ >= Panel1.Height + 1 Then
Y_ = -8
End If
Dim mp_ As New Point(X_, Y_)
Dim size_ As New Size(8, 8)
Dim Newrect As New Rectangle(mp_, size_)
Dim intcounter As Integer
For l = 1 To p
oldsquaresS(l) = New Rectangle(oldsquares(l), size_)
For z = 1 To p
If Newrect.IntersectsWith(oldsquaresS(z)) Then
LIVES -= 1
If LIVES = 0 Then
End If
End If
For z = 1 To 26
If Newrect.IntersectsWith(walls(z)) Then
LIVES -= 1
If LIVES = 0 Then
End If
End If
For z = 1 To 12
If Newrect.IntersectsWith(cookie(z)) Then
G.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, cookie(z))
SCORE += 1
Segments += 2
If SCORE = 12 Then
End If
End If
If p >= 8 Then
For l = 1 To p - 8
oldsquaresS(p - Segments).Size = New Size(8, 9)
G.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, oldsquaresS(p - Segments))
G.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, oldsquaresS(p - Segments))
oldsquares.Clear(oldsquares, p - Segments, 1)
oldsquaresS.Clear(oldsquaresS, p - Segments, 1)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Panel1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Panel1.Click
W += 1
If W = 1 Then
Caterpillar.Enabled = True
End If
If W = 2 Then
Caterpillar.Enabled = False
W = 0
X_ = 64
Y_ = 48
_Right = True
_Left = False
_Up = False
_Down = False
End If
End Sub
Sub ResetValues()
Caterpillar.Enabled = False
W = 0
p = 0
oldsquares.Clear(oldsquares, 0, 1000)
oldsquaresS.Clear(oldsquaresS, 0, 1000)
X_ = 64
Y_ = 48
_Right = True
_Left = False
_Up = False
_Down = False
End Sub
Sub LevelComplete()
Dim g As Graphics = Panel1.CreateGraphics
Dim font_ As New Font("Courier New", 72, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Display)
Dim Brush_ As New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.DarkDownwardDiagonal, Color.Red, Color.Yellow)
g.DrawString(" Level 1 Complete ", font_, Brush_, 200, 160)
End Sub
Sub GameOver()
Dim g As Graphics = Panel1.CreateGraphics
Dim font_ As New Font("Times New Roman", FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Display)
Dim Brush_ As New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.DarkDownwardDiagonal, Color.Red, Color.DarkRed)
g.DrawString(" Game Over ", font_, Brush_, 200, 160)
End Sub
End Class

Obviously i didnt do the drawstring right. Give it a try and some suggestions ive only been working on this particular code for 2 days now. Have fun with it, im lost on a few things.
here's the "Classic" nibblets form, since i'm still making major changes to the code as i go, i havent taken the time to comment and explain everything, hopefully you'll be able to follow it all :)

4. actually i have the source code to nibbles (the very first snake game ever created, microsoft 1986 or 1987)

I have to be extremely anal here! I believe Atari made the first official snake style game in '77 called "hustle" there may have been others previous. :)
So the problem with windows xp themed forms not displaying correctly is that you set the form's Width and Height properties (in the Load event handler) instead of the form's ClientSize property. The Width and Height properties include the borders whereas the ClientSize property doesn't.