Need help Payroll Management System


New member
Mar 18, 2013
Programming Experience
I have no much Knowledge of VB.Net, I am a newbie here, I have been given a project titled Payroll Management System, and the tools to be used are VB.Net and MS Access. Please help!!! Form designs and coding also. My last deadline for the project to be submitted is on April 21st. Today is March 18th. I havent started anythng. And I got no much help from others also. Need help!! I can do it if anybdy here guide me regularly.
If you don't have much knowledge in VB.NET then maybe the first thing to do is to get some. I suggest that you start here:

Microsoft Visual Basic .NET tutorials for Beginners

You can also find some information on working with Access specifically in the Data Walkthroughs link in my signature.

Once you've actually made a bit of an effort you can ask us specific questions about the things you're stuck on instead of just sitting on your hands waiting for us to tell you what to do.
Thank you for your concern. Its not that I am sitting here waiting.. Infact I am learning VB.Net from the same website/webpage link which you have suggested. Any help regarding the form designs of payroll management system? I can google it, but it would be better if someone guides me through. As of now, I have some idea about the payroll, but I am asked to include attendance in the payroll., thats where I m stuck as of now.