Navigating Through DB Records With ComboBox ..


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2005
Somewhere between 0 and 1
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I have four buttons .. to navigate between records now .. First, Previous, Next, Last ..

But, the problem is .. I have close to 2500 records .. So, if the user wants to jump to a certain record .. he would have to manually do it one by one, by clicking next ..

So, I was thinking if I could do a combobox which displays the number of records and displays all the contents once selected .. Is this a more proffesional Idea or should I just do a TextBox and let the user enter the values ..

What do you guys suggest ? Obviously, I need some assistance with whatever you guys suggest. :eek: :D
They put in a value and then on the Validating event you would check whether the values was a number and represented a vaild row index. If so then display the specified record, or else popup an error message and set e.Cancel to True. If you have Access then check out how it's done there. Other databases will use pretty much the same method.