Multiple TreeViews


Feb 17, 2005
Glen Mills, PA
Programming Experience
I am trying to add multiple TreeViews to a WebForm. I would like 4 across and 2 vertically. I have tried placing the TreeViews inside a panel so I can have scroll bars rather than have the tree grow. Whenever I try to add a second TreeView Visual Studio places it on the line below the existing TreeView.
I then tried adding a second Panel next to the first. But Visual Studio places the second panel on the next line and not next to the existing panel.
Lastly, I added a Table to the Panel. But I cannot drop a TreeView control into a cell in this table? Or any other control for that matter.
Any ideas how to get multiple TreeViews across a WebForm?
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Sounds like you've turned grid view off. To add items to an asp:table you need to do it in code, either runtime or under the html tab.

Thanks TPM. I will try to figure out how to add them in code. This brings up an interesting point. I haven't been able to figure out how to turn on Grid Mode. I looked under DOCUMENT properties and did not see it. Did I just miss it or is it somewhere else?
Under Document there should be a property called pagelayout. You want gridLayout, not FlowLayout. If it's not there make sure your targetSchema is set for Internet Explorer 5.0
