Question Multi Column Combo Box Suggestions


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2013
Programming Experience
I hate how multi column combo boxes has disappeared. Anyway, I found a control that I like and I have used, but it was designed for .net framework 1.1 or 2. I need to be able to use it in .net framework 4 client.

It is over at codeproject: Flat-MultiColumn Combobox with Autocomplete - CodeProject. I have also attached it. Can someone help me get this working or know of another control that someone has created that works. I do not want to reinvent the wheel. I know so many people look for this, I just cant find one that works. There are controls you can buy, but I am not spending money when there are many free options out there.

Let me know if you guys have any ideas or could help.


    76.5 KB · Views: 28
What you could do is inherit from combobox and draw a datagridview linked to the same datasource (but not displaymember) as the combobox on top of the regular drop down list... You would have a handful of events and properties to tie together between the two controls. Remember that you must add the grid to the combobox parent's controls collection. Also when you make a selection in the grid, you set the combobox SelectedItem to the grid's DataGridViewRow.DataBoundItem.
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