Menu & Sub Menu in VS2005 web


Oct 2, 2008
Programming Experience

I am developing a web app in VS 2005, NET 2.0. On right clicking on any section of a particular web page I want to open a Menu which will also have submenus pop-up style.

Any ideas on how to go about this?
Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, the article doesnt specify how you get the ContextMenu into the toolbox. I have added a reference to System.Windows.Form but I still cant see it.

However, I can do the following in the codebehind with no errors.

Imports System.Windows.Forms

Dim s As New System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenu
Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, the article doesnt specify how you get the ContextMenu into the toolbox. I have added a reference to System.Windows.Form but I still cant see it.

However, I can do the following in the codebehind with no errors.

Imports System.Windows.Forms

Dim s As New System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenu
A WinForms (Anything in System.Windows) contextmenu will not work in asp. Those controls don't render html code in which the asp page can use.