LogIn Form


New member
Oct 2, 2006
Programming Experience
Hi, Im trying to change my login form because what i have setup right now is basically you have to type the localhost including the username and pass. I was wondering how can i revise it so that i dont have to type localhostall the time?

I am using VS.NET 2003 and MySQL5.0. I know that vs.net2005 has the setting where you can input the value of the hostIP. But in 2003 doesnt have that feature. Is there any way i can code it somewhere.

This is what I have rite now.

conn = New MySqlConnection
conn.ConnectionString = "server=" & txtServer.Text & ";" _
& "username=" & txtUsername.Text & ";" _
& "password=" & txtPassword.Text & ";" _
& "database=xxxxx"
Perhaps I'm not understanding, but why don't you just put "localhost" as the default text in the textbox while in the form designer?

Or, make the first line in your conn function

Textbox1.Text = "localhost"

Am I missing something your trying to achieve?