Is databinding of any use.......


Well-known member
May 31, 2006
Programming Experience
3-5 anyone in the real world at all? Started to use it and thought 'yeah, sweet. All my updates done for me no more tedious insert/update script writing for me.'

As soon as you introduce a 2nd table into the dataset you're knackered. What poxy app would only ever be accesing/updating data from one table only ever?

A pointless addition in my eyes. More agro than it's worth or am I utterly wrong?

Back to populating controls manually and nice simple insert/update routines for me.
You may wonder why I'm so vehement about this. If you had started a thread with something like "I'm having trouble with data-binding. Here's what I'm trying to do and here's what's happening. Can anyone tell me what I can change to make it work the way I want" then I would have gladly offered help. It bugs me when people post threads like "This is all stupid because it doesn't work properly. Why didn't Microsoft just make it work properly" when what they're asking for is either not logical or can be done if they would just take the time to look. Data-binding works when it's done properly. If it's not working for you then you aren't doing it properly. CommandBuilders can't generate SQL code in situations where there is no logical way to do so. A little more humility might not go astray because there is basically nothing wrong with the tools. There are bound to be some bugs and the issue with the TabControl seems to be one of them. A few minutes thought found a work-around for that though. Also, did you check the Microsoft Knowledge Base to see if it's a known issue? If it isn't did you bring it to their attention so it can be addressed? I'm guessing not.
And all of this is why I avoid the CommandBuilder if I can help it.... I can't stand it when I don't know what's happening to my data. jmc, what you are saying about creating SQL from a join like that makes sense to me and further reminds me of why I don't like using them and prefer to do the updates/insert/deletes via stored procedures and the like. I use the DA to fill my DS/DT and then I fuggetabouit. I dunno, maybe it's because I've still got a little bit of a VB6 mentality of things. Maybe it's because I also try to avoid lists of data, prefering to put single records into single objects.

CommandBuilders really are a convenience for the most basic of cases that rarely occur in apps of any reasonable size. There good for those who don't know much SQL but that's about all. What you talk about, tg, is a requirement for n-tier design, so anyone who wants to develop enterprise-level apps must work that way.
Jmc. Keep it pal.

I don't see any need for your pompous reply matey. Someone doesn't post with a question asking for help and has the audacity to post how they want so you go off on one slating peoples applications etc.. Who are you anyhow?

I started a thread to see others opinions on a subject not for help on it. I had already scrapped smelly databinding(although am interested in binding to my own objects and classes so may take another shot) so wasn't begging for help asking why. As you pointed out earlier up the thread and I admitted, I had lumped all operations on data i.e retrieving, binding and updating into one category of binding. A mistake and hands were held up but just because I have an opinion on whether an object should be able to go the step further and do something else does'nt make me out to be a clown. Simply new to dotnet. Anyway many thanks for guiding me you genious. Much appreciate the slagging off and the rest.

Have a good one.
It'll be a shame if this thread gets locked, which i'm sure it will if it carries on like this. There are really good points being discussed here, ones from which we can all learn. Moorzee, don't take things so personally, you got to admit that it would be frustrating if you were trying to explain something ,and you knew what you were talking about, and the person to whom you were explaining didn't seem to be listening. Strikes me that this is more of a mis-communication, which, and lets be fair Moorzee, was instantiated by the title you gave your post. However i don't think that you sounding off at Jmcilhinney is gonna relsolve this. Remember, it's a forum, everything is up for discussion.
Vis I am not sounding off at jmc. Just defending myself. The response of "I would hate to see your applications" seems fairly standard around here. A couple of posts recently have been simply ended on that point by those who possess more knowledge on a certain subject. JMc should understand that a forum is not simply a place for people to post requesting help but a community to exchange views etc..
...exchanging views.... whotta concept.... I thought that's what was going on here...granted I thought it got a little heated at times. I think what jmc was trying to was get you to separate the two parts of the operation - because it is done seamlessly it's hard to do sometimes... I've actualy appreciated the discussion.....

enjoying the show,
I also think jaymac wanted me to grasp the idea that the two pieces of functionality, binding an object to another and the update created from a cmdbuilder upon one of those objects, did not fall under the same category of databinding and for that I thank him because I no longer bundle them together in my head. For me now databinding is simply what it says, a method of linking data from a datasource(ds etc..) to an object(combo,textbox whatever) to reflect changes made at either side. Combuilder is lightweight (imho) object for creating commands.

Cheers jmc. Job done!;)