Question Installing all dotnets (1.1-3.5)


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Programming Experience
Hi, I'm going to install the .net frameworks 1.1 to 3.5 (3.5, 3.0, 2.0)...
I'm not going to install any IDE, I'm going to work directly with the compilers...

My question can I make binaries (executables) for each .net version?

I mean..If I create a single "hello world" console application in vb or to know in which .net version compile? it possible to compile for each .net version installed?

For 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5 you should use the 3.5 msbuild.exe where you set the target Framework version in project file, for 1.1 you have to use the 1.1 vbc.exe.
The Framework files is installed to a path like C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\<version> in case you didn't know.
For 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5 you should use the 3.5 msbuild.exe where you set the target Framework version in project file, for 1.1 you have to use the 1.1 vbc.exe.
The Framework files is installed to a path like C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\<version> in case you didn't know.
Hello, and thanks for the response and I understand about using msbuild.exe, but my only problem is that I'm not going to use any IDE, meaning that I'm not going to use a solution or project file...what would be the proper way to use msbuild.exe using a single .cs or .vb file?
You should generate the appropriate sources, including the project configuration files. This will be much easier, as you have to store and use this meta information anyway. Msbuild is also much easier to call than the vbc directly.
You should generate the appropriate sources, including the project configuration files. This will be much easier, as you have to store and use this meta information anyway. Msbuild is also much easier to call than the vbc directly. you know a link where can I find the structure of a solution file so I can start from there?
I'm reading this link MSBuild
but it doesn't has an example.
Thanks, again. :)
Use Visual Studio and create basic projects, learn what all the source files and their content does :) Take it from there...

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