Installer and Dotfuscator


Well-known member
Jul 2, 2004
Programming Experience
Hello everyone,

Simple question. I used Community Ed. Dotfuscator on my project. It creates an EXE file. I then tried to create an Installer for it. I selected the EXE file to add to the set up program (it was the only file from the Dotfuscation process that I could see). Then it asks to select the primary output of the project and select the project. There's nothing listed to select. Looks like I should be selecting another file other than the EXE that the dotfuscator created, but there's no other file listed. I am doing something wrong.

Thank you for your time. I appreciate any advice.

John m
Dotfuscator can use either a binary you select to obfuscate (the .EXE file) or you can just choose the Primary Output and you'll see it will show you the file name it will obfuscate in the lower window as I recall. Just build your solution and then test with ILDASM and/or Reflector and you'll be able to see if you're obfuscated or not. I highly recommend Dotfuscator Professional, it is a must have and well worth every penny!