I have copied a database file from another project into my project and added it to my project
with the command:
I connect to it
In its properties, change "Copy to Output Directory" to "Copy If Newer"
I change
To display the data inside the database, I have to delete the database from my project every time and do the above path again.
What is the solution to avoid deleting the database and adding it again and doing "Copy to Output Directory" to "Copy If Newer" again?
I hope you understand what I mean.
I have copied a database file from another project into my project and added it to my project
with the command:
Dim con As New SqlConnection("Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=" & My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\dbkarkhaneh.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True")
In its properties, change "Copy to Output Directory" to "Copy If Newer"
I change
To display the data inside the database, I have to delete the database from my project every time and do the above path again.
What is the solution to avoid deleting the database and adding it again and doing "Copy to Output Directory" to "Copy If Newer" again?
I hope you understand what I mean.