how you build an application into an installable application?


New member
Jun 29, 2007
Auckland, New Zealand
Programming Experience

Well today is a rainy day in Auckland, New Zealand, a great day for getting into

So.. what is my issue with vb dotnet.....

It is hard to do the simple things and as someone said you could spend a lifetime looking at dotnet and still only touch maybe 5% of it...

Ok, here is what I want...... - of course I want something...

I beleive there is a new auto-update from the web that I can code into my applications, I also dont have a clue how to create a runtime package that installs maybe SQLEXPRESS on the fly for each PC..


The problem with dotnet environments and setup for each person is different and the microsoft examples are bad, very bad...

I want someone to record a video on their computer of how you build an application into an installable application...

or better yet,

Is there a way I can give you access to my computer over the internet and you can show me what to do and I will record it.

If anyone is keen, post your postive questions and suggestions back to me...

Looking for to 'networking' with you all


Karl Spurling
I could do those things for you. The installer package for SQL could be accomplished a few different ways. It could check the file system easily to see if its installed...possibly even try to connect to the server and check service pack information, etc (meaning check the version)... If it does not exist execute the SQL installer package...autmoating the install is where the challenge would come in for me but I could figure it out...

It could even check databases, etc. This would be accomplished with windows services. It would have to run at the server level and check for clients. Some of those things are difficult and time consuming, recording a whole tutorial would take a while...never the less not a bad idea.

But thats whats great about .NET to me is that it is very easy to figure out and to research because of the library.
thanks for the reply...

I suppose what I am after is someone to talk to and someone to maybe remote assist me on my laptop..

I would provide a no-ip address and a remote assistance invite

Also would mind 'meeting' online for technical talk via MSN or Teamspeak or ventrillo...

Happy to discuss/pay a 'reasonable' amount for all knowledge as well...


I would be happy to talk a bit more about this topic. Unfortunately, you are not able to receive private messages on this site, but I wanted to get your e-mail address so we can talk a bit more privately. I look forward to hearing from you.

Steve S