how to Custome a GUI


New member
May 10, 2006
Programming Experience
I am currently working on a program where I would like to customize the GUI to go beyond the generic look. I have a few questions.

1. In a post made last year (I just found it today) vis781 says you can make stuff like custom buttons using a photo editor. Is there a tutorial somewhere, or could someone explain to me how to do this. I understand the concept, but I do not know for sure how to do it.

2. When changing the shape of a form by changing its region member, how hard is it to program the same functionality of a normal form, I.e. resizing, dragging it around etc

3. When I try to change the colors on buttons it leaves a very thin strip on the button as a control color, unless I make the button flap, anyone know how I can fix that?

Thanks in advance for the help