How to connect a window program to a website?or using a plugin?


New member
May 28, 2006
Programming Experience
im currently working on our thesis which needs a plugin and be able to connect the website we created. i stil dont know how to do the plugin thing and how i will be able to connect to the sql of the website for our window program be able to get the database of the website..could anyone give me advices on how to do this? your help would be much appreciated
The most painless and in same time the most popular way is through the web services. Make a web services and just use 'em to fetch data from sql server cuz many (i beleive all serious) of the hosting companies have forbiden external connection to the SQL server ... from security reasons of course. Otherwise, i am not sure how eficient it can be in your case but you can always choose to add a Internet Explorer to your desktop application ;)
ahmm wer the one who created the web and we are the server of the database so all the securities are removed.. ahmm one more question how will i be able to make my program have a plugin in it.. plugin to connect to the our website..thnx
our thesis is a plugin on online shopping with budgeter using knapsack algorithm.. one of the requirement to us is make 3 websites of a online shopping store to be used as test sites. we made this website using php.and mysql5. then wer stil currently making the budgeter using the winform application of the vb.net2005. and we currently dont know how to make the plugin which our profesor wants, he is requiring the budgeter program to plugin simulataneously and gather all the database from those 3 websites. the 3 websites have 1 server only. and our problem realy is pluging in and geting the database.. i read something like it is possible to gather all the server names, would that include the adress? and could u help me out on how i would be able to start making a plugin on our budgeter program..tnx very for ur help