Question how can form be fix (user cant change the size of the form in runing mode)


Jul 13, 2011
Programming Experience
hi guys ,

i made a form as big as my screen and remove the button on the title bar to ensure that the form will not be tamper with, but i still can make it small using mouse arrow drag, going to last border of the form.

how can i solve this problem.
One of the first things you should always do when using a component in the designer is look through the Properties window to see what you can do with it. Always look in the obvious places for yourself first. If you do that with a form you will see that you can set the minimum and maximum size. If they are the same then the size can't change.
One of the first things you should always do when using a component in the designer is look through the Properties window to see what you can do with it. Always look in the obvious places for yourself first. If you do that with a form you will see that you can set the minimum and maximum size. If they are the same then the size can't change.

Wow it work i never think it was so simple, thanks.