Flexible Lookup Field control?

Oct 22, 2012
St Arnaud, VIC
Programming Experience
Hey Guy's,

Trying to work out how to do this and not sure if it has already been done in an existing control which can be added to our project or not. We are creating a desktop application in VB.NET with Visual Studi 2007 and are needing a field which can be used to define a relationship between one type of record with another type.

EG: Specify the account associated with a service request. An example of the field is the lookup field in Microsoft Dynamics CRM which can be seen in the image Prefill_Lookup_Field_with_Default_Value_Dynamics_CRM_2011_3.jpg

Realising we would need to design and develop the lookup form itself we would like to know if anyone knows of an existing control which is compatible with a desktop application which works in the same way with an icon to the left which identifies the record type, and a hyperlink style text label which can be clicked to open the record in a new window, along with a button on the right which when clicked opens the lookup form to associate the record.

Thanks in advance.
I don't know of any existing control like that, although I imagine they exist, but you could actually do it yourself with a user control. Set the border to 3D and add a PictureBox, LinkLabel and another PictureBox or a customised Button.