i have 2 tabel in my database sample
Tabel a Master Employe and Tabel B attendance loh , I will view data employe not in attendance by date ?
please help me
my syntax
Select m_karyawan.nik , tb_trx_absen.timein from m_karyawan left join tb_trx_absen on m_karyawan.nik=tb_trx_absen.nik where tb_trx_absen.date='09'
Only show data in tabel attendance
i will show data all master employe and time in is null
Tabel a Master Employe and Tabel B attendance loh , I will view data employe not in attendance by date ?
please help me
my syntax
Select m_karyawan.nik , tb_trx_absen.timein from m_karyawan left join tb_trx_absen on m_karyawan.nik=tb_trx_absen.nik where tb_trx_absen.date='09'
Only show data in tabel attendance
i will show data all master employe and time in is null