Few questions about VB .net


New member
Oct 4, 2006
Programming Experience
i started a programming class at school, and we do VB .net studio 2003
i have soooooo many ideas... but i know very little now...

i have experience in html, some java and php, and i mess around with AU3 (autoit3)

few questions about what vb can do:
  1. can u simulate keystrokes? (Run program, alt-tab to another, and it simulates the keystrokes *thinks of world of warcraft botting* =D )
  2. Can VB applications be programmed to delete files?
  3. Can you run command prompt from VB (to get around school restrictions >.> )
If you can with #1, anyone wana point me out to tutorials or anything?

1. The SendKeys.Send method will behave exactly as though the user typed something at the keyboard. This is something to be generally avoided though because it is dependent on what window and control currently have focus. If you want to target a specific window then using the Windows API is much more reliable, although somewhat fiddly. That means calling unmanaged Windows functions from your managed code. The official name is "Platform Invoke", which you can read about on MSDN.

2. The System.IO namspace includes all the types related to file I/O, including the File class, which has a Delete method.

3. Circumventing your school's rules is not something that we are here to help you do. Having said that, the information is so freely available it won't hurt to tell you that you can create VB.NET Console applications that you run in a Command Prompt window. You can also run external programs, including commandline apps or the command prompt itself, using the System.Diagnostics.Process.Start method. The Process class will also allow you to redirect both the input and output streams of a commandline app.

Finally, you say that you're using VB.NET 2003 yet your profile says that your main platform is VS 2005. Please take the time to fill out your profile correctly so we don't waste our time providing advice that is not applicable.

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