Errors while upgrading to Visual Studio 2005


New member
Mar 3, 2008
Programming Experience

I am facing the following errors after upgrading my solutions to 2005. There are lots of vcprojs in my solution but I am facing this error only in some of the projects. Following type of errors I am getting :

libcmtd.lib(_file.obj) : error LNK2005: ___iob_func already defined in MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCR80D.dll)

I have already tried following options:

1.) I have checked that all the dependent libraries are build in multithreaded DLL mode, but project is dependent on some external libraries as well, which we dont want to rebuild. Is there any solutions for the same without rebuilding these libraries.

2.) I have also try to build the project using the option NODEFAULTLIB, but still facing these errors.

The concern in my mind that we were building the solution successfully in the previous version of Visual Studio( i. 2002), how these linking errors might be related to the Visual Studio version.

Any help will be highly appreciated.

This problem will occur in VC++ if you are using some LIB whcih was compiled with a older version of VC++ (VC7.x). This is not supported if you are using CRT-types in the LIB! because the old application you compiled is trying to use the CRT of VC8. The old application is using the libraries from the headers it was compiled with.

You are linking libraries into your project that are compiled with different CRT setting than your executable. All code linked into a project must be compiled with the same settings.
Also note that this is a VB.Net-only forum, darshi.