Error with Access: The database has been placed in a state by user 'Admin'....


New member
Feb 9, 2012
Programming Experience

I have a serious problem using MS Access. I developed an application that will be running in various PCs and will access the database placed in a server, and this application has a refresh system, every 5 secs it searches data in the db to refresh the status in the main form... The proble is that when more then one PC is running the application it starts to give me this error, and the bigger is the number of PCs accessing the DB the most frequent become the error, making the use of the software almost impossible.

Error: The database has been placed ina a state by user 'UserName' on machine 'ComputerName' that prevents it from being opened or locked.

Searching about that error i've noticed that it is something tha usually happens when many PCs try to access a DB from MSAccess simultaneously.

What I've tryed and didn't work:
-Configured the DB to Shared and removed any locks in the MSAccess.
-Checked if every connection opened with the DB was properly cosed (con.Close()).

I hope you can help me...
It does clarify some of my doubts, but I don't really know how to split the DB into Front End and Back End and how to link it or what do I have to change in the code..
split the DB into Front End and Back End
That part of discussion only relates to Access Forms delevepment. With VB.Net development the front end is the VB application, and that is not stored in the Access file :)
Do you think that ODBC may help with this instead of connecting directly through JET?

I realize that would require decent amount of code changes and setting up each local workstation to connect to the database. Also, I am not sure this would be any different.