i was trying to get an answer similar to this one...
Probe.SelectCommand.CommandText = "(SELECT InvSys_ItmSrv_Units.Unit FROM InvSys_ItmSrv_Items LEFT JOIN InvSys_ItmSrv_Units ON InvSys_ItmSrv_Items.Unit=PK_ItemUnits WHERE PK_ItemsCode='" & dtgrid2.Rows(i).Cells(0).Value & "') UNION ALL (SELECT InvSys_ItmSrv_Units.Unit FROM InvSys_ItmSrv_Items LEFT JOIN InvSys_ItmSrv_Units ON BigUnit=PK_ItemUnits WHERE PK_ItemsCode='" & dtgrid2.Rows(i).Cells(0).Value & "')"
Probe.Fill(ds, "Unit")
Dim cell As New DataGridViewComboBoxCell
cell = PODtls.dtgrid.Rows(PODtls.dtgrid.Rows.Count - 1).Cells(4)
cell.DataSource = (ds.Tables("Unit"))
cell.DisplayMember = "Unit"
cell.Value = CType(cell.Items(cell.Items.Count - 1), DataRowView).Row(0)
this was the part I was looking for the one in bold text
cause having only the cell.DataSource = (ds.Tables("Unit"))
won't be a solution to the question since the problem is how to set it per cell, not just how to set a datasource
i'm not trying to make it hard, since I never have tried it before, and because I was used to only setting datasource to the whole combobox column.