DataGrid, Datagridview, ListView - Which one?


Sep 6, 2006
Programming Experience
I need to simply show the contents of some of the columns from a single table and open a form bases on the first column of the row clicked. I do not need editing, deleting etc

Which one is the easiest to bind to an existing binding source or table adaptor and accomplish what I need: Datagrid, DatagridView or Listview?

Well the first one you can drop is the datagrid, if you are going to use any kind of 'out of the box' grid it should be the datagrid view.

As for between the DGV and the listview IMHO the listview looks better (just because i think that datagrid's of any kind are a but ugly) It really depends on the amount of data you will be displaying. Binding a datagridview would a bit easier, but as i say a listview, i think, looks better. However for a lot of data populating it could be quite slow. Best way is to try them both and see what kind of a result you get and which one you like the most, and the end of the day it's your app so can design it anyway you like.