crystal reports, querying in mysql


Jan 27, 2011
Programming Experience
how to use "select in crystal reports,
ive tried doing crystal reports for the first time, what i want to do is like,
"select * from tblcproduct where productcode = '" & lblprodtcode.text & "'"
so that the only thing that will show in the report is the details of a specific product,

my groupmate tried but what he did was show all the items in that table

i'm still a student, i just learned, i dont know how to use select in crystal reports, i only focused on making file maintenance and transaction of our system, so i wasn't able to study crystal reports at all, my groupmate wasnt able to do tthe crystal reports so i nid to do this asap, :|
i'm using odbc
i've done it,
a bit late, i need a little talking to my prof but i've done it

to all those noobs like me,
hope this will help,,

commandtext doesnt work with crystal reports(stupid me, or atleast i think it doesnt work)
crystalreports.selectionformula=(tablename).(tablefield)=(like equivalent data)
almostt the same structure as commandtext

in querying only the specific month a date,,,
select * from table where month(date) =
assuming that the field name that has date type is named "date"
it will only get the month in the date field,
or you can change it into year or whatever,