Count code lines


Well-known member
May 10, 2005
Republic of Macedonia
Programming Experience
I guess each of us have thought about counting code lines of entire project we are working on ... how many lines we typed there?
Answer is here ... take a look at this example ... it counts lines not only of certain form but also of whole project including module, class and other files.

Cheers :)


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one question, what purpose would line counters serve in VS.Net?

i know back in the QBasic days you would use GOTO 23 (meaning goto line 23) but we dont use the GOTO statement anymore (bad programming)

so why would anyone need to know how many lines of code there are in the application?
also how would one even go about including all the lines of code for each Label, Textbox, Button, etc that microsoft wrote and we're including in out app's (many instances of as well) ?

i personally dont see where it would make a difference of knowing how many lines of code you have
about this note: also how would one even go about including all the lines of code for each Label, Textbox, Button, etc that microsoft wrote and we're including in out app's (many instances of as well) ?
I have no comment and you know why (it simply doesn't deserve any comment) ... calm down and think for awhile why i'm saying this.

About the usefulness ... you don't need that Ok, that's you ... for instance, i want to know how many lines i have for entire application but hey that's me ... i hope you are not offended cuz i threaded about this ;)
Cheers :)

for other members who think this may be useful ... have you worked on two or more projects ? Do you want to know how many lines you typed for each ... ?
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Well I think it could be usefull. Mainly to see the size, however at the moment I've got to say it's not at all usefull to me (or anyone else). The biggest reason being you can specify the project directory! :S (It's looking for a folder that's on your machine). I'd also suggest braking down the line count by form, and maybe adding an estimated size.
And the point IS???

Hey, guys ... stay calm please ... i don't want to offend anyone here ...
If you don't like it you don't have to be so Arrogant on the post and simply leave it as it is ... as i don't see the point of your posts ... are you trying to say that you were touched by thread? Oh ... guys!

Cheers ;)
Err ok, I'm not too sure how you took my last post as arrogant, I was tring to be positive and give you some usefull suggestions. I'm also not too sure why you thing people are getting upset or offended, I know I'm not (even if you call me arrogant :) )
I think this thread was was very bad from the beggining because of the lack of correct explanation (my English, again ... hahaha) ... JK :)
Ok i found that this thread is realy unuseful so i don't claim anything more about it ... i gave up and i also voted negative for the same ... hahaha ... cheers ;)

So, let's continue with some more bride questions ...
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lol i wasnt upset, all i did was point out the fact that if you add a textbox to a form then how would you count those thousands of lines of code? or the form it'self for that matter :p sorry for being technical

but as i already said i personally wouldnt have a use for being able to know how many lines of code a solution has