ConnetionString in Crystal Reports


Jun 14, 2004
Programming Experience
Bonjoure Members
i Have a problems in crystal reports here is the problem stated under
"my reports r located on other system ,application is running on some other system .i want to connect to server db,user id ,pasword throug file ,what r the properties like ( reportdocment ,reprortsourec ,connectionstring from file ) of crstal reports that should i set to connect to the server dynamically so that i can chage the data base name and the user and the pasword .If any body have demo code kindly mail me at ""
Nasir said:
Bonjoure Members
i Have a problems in crystal reports here is the problem stated under
"my reports r located on other system ,application is running on some other system .i want to connect to server db,user id ,pasword throug file ,what r the properties like ( reportdocment ,reprortsourec ,connectionstring from file ) of crstal reports that should i set to connect to the server dynamically so that i can chage the data base name and the user and the pasword .If any body have demo code kindly mail me at ""
we dont do email here...we post here so that others can benefit.

and in your question...i dont know about crystal reports in connstring..
but in the to mssql my connection is just like this
 imports System.Data.SqlClient
 Dim cn As New SqlConnection("integrated security=true; initial catalog=northwind; data source=...")
 Dim cm As New SqlCommand()
the database is northwind.