Building Standalone Exe.


New member
Apr 20, 2008
Programming Experience
Hey everyone, I'm pretty new to the forum,
but my pretty good in programming, but since for most of the time I've been programming I've been using VB6 and recently I have brought VB2005.
This is where my problem comes into play, I've been use to VB6 building a single exe for my apps but with VB2005 it builds into a setup exe which I don't perticually want as I have my own way of building setup apps.
Please can someone help me with this small problem

Thanks in advanced
From Ruuku-kun
If the sngle exe file u meant was the application exe file...then you can simply get it from your application folder ...bin/debug or ...bin/release.
Hey everyone, I'm pretty new to the forum,
but my pretty good in programming, but since for most of the time I've been programming I've been using VB6 and recently I have brought VB2005.
This is where my problem comes into play, I've been use to VB6 building a single exe for my apps but with VB2005 it builds into a setup exe which I don't perticually want as I have my own way of building setup apps.
Please can someone help me with this small problem

Thanks in advanced
From Ruuku-kun

You only get a setup.exe if you add a setup project to your solution. For the specific project you are building you can select DEBUG or RELEASE mode and then click the Build menu to build the project. You can right-click the project in the Solution Explorer and build it from there as well. Then you'll find the .EXE file in the projects folder structure under the /bin folder in either the Release or Debug configuration.