Question Anyone ever get "My Project" folders added to Solution Explorer?


Sep 17, 2008
Programming Experience
I recently converted a VB .NET project from VS 2003 to VS 2005. I am in the process of wrapping up the conversion but I noticed that I have a number of emptry "My Project" folders in some of my current solution's sub-projects. These appear inSolution explorer and properties indicates "Folder". If I right click on any of these, the only option is to OPEN. I manually deleted the empty Windows folders assoicated with these (via Windows Explorer) but when I reopened the solution, they came back. Does anyone have any idea where these might be coming from (project setting, etc) and more importantly, how to remove them from my Solution?

I appreciate any info.
how to remove them from my Solution?
You dont, when you start designing .Net 2.0 and newer forms things like resources go in the 'MyProject' folders, each project gets one. Also things like application setting files go there too. VS 2005 and VS 2008 require these folders to be there, so manually deleting them wont get rid of them, and manually deleting them can seriously mess up your project too.

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