All Form Designers have died


Jul 3, 2007
Programming Experience

I finally tried to solve the un-updatable .NET issue yesterday (KB928365 and KB928366). I went through the steps of removing .net and re-installing...

Today I got the dreaded "file not found" error. The advice I found was to not reference another project in your solution, reference a file instead...

So I moved all forms and classes from referenced forms into the main project, removed references to the other projects and tried to recompile...

Holy C#@p!

Now ALL designers are throwing errors. They won't display anything but the error message. All the errors messages are pretty much the same: system.componentmodel.IContainer is ambiguous in the namespace system.componentmodel.

The errors seem to be for pretty much everything in the system.componentmodel namespace.

Please, Please, Please tell me this is fixable. I am completely lost.
Reverted to Backup

This problem was just too scary...

I reverted to the backup I made yesterday.

Now I have the second error reported in my previous post:

Could not find the file "Microsoft.Windows.CommonLanguageRuntime, Version=2.0.50727.0"

Article 907757 on msdn gives this work around:

Use a file reference instead of a project reference.

That's what got me into all this trouble to begin with!

Is this referring to the resultant dll from the referenced probject? Do I have to do anything special to reference it?

When I remove the project reference and create a reference to the dll in the debug directory of the formerly referenced project, I get the same error.

Okay, instead of copying the source files from the referenced projects, I should have just referenced the EXE's in their bin\debug directories.


That was scary. :eek: