Adding PDF files to deployment


Dec 21, 2010
United States
Programming Experience
I am putting the finishing touches on my first application and have come up with a problem that I haven't been able to find an answer to. All of my code functions as it should, in fact it is currently running correctly on a production server. This is more of a final polish question.

I have several PDF files (specification documents, how-tos, etc.) that I would like to be able to include in the deployment of the application and access from my application's help menu. The application itself doesn't necessarily need to open them, I am happy with calling reader seperately, but I would like them to be placed on the destination PC automatically when I install the program.

Is this possible? If so, how do I tell the application where they will be installed to so that I can call them up?

Thanks in advance for the help.
Add them to project (Project > 'add existing item'), to a separate folder if you wish. Set file properties 'Build Action' to Content and 'Copy to Output Directory' to one of the Copy options. In code you can use the relative Application.StartupPath property.