Adding data to listview from xml to two columns


Active member
Nov 17, 2012
Derby, Uk
Programming Experience
How can i add data to a listview from a xml file, i want to add two columns to the list view, i can add data to a listbox but i cant seem to do the same to a listview, the data i need to add is from a xml file, which is "id" and "Name" in two separate columns, they are part of a cascading set of 12 listview boxes each dependent on the one above and i need the id to implement the next cascade.

There are 12 list views in total, so i assume i need to define what goes into each of the columns, can this be done globally for all listviews?

The below code has been modified for listboxes to give me the additional column but i cant seem to get it to work in listview

any pointers would be appreciated

    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        ListBoxes.AddRange({Solution1, Solution2, Solution3, Solution4, Solution5, Solution6, Solution7, Solution8, Solution9, Solution10, Solution11, Solution12}) 'this has to be done here to ensure that the controls have initialised

        doc = XDocument.Load(IO.Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "Test.xml"))
        ' This will fill solution box 1 with the Root 1 information from the xml file
        Dim Root As New ListViewItem
        From A In doc...<Section1>
        Select Section1 = A.@id()


    End Sub

    Private Sub Sloution1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

        Select Case ListBoxes.IndexOf(sender)
            ' event, fills Solution box 2 with values based on the information in Solution box 1
            Case 0
                Dim Root2 =
                    From a In doc...<Section1>
                    Where a.@id = Solution1.Text
                    From b In a.<Root2>.<Section2>
                    Select b.@id

                ' event, fills Solution box 3 with values based on the information in Solution box 2
            Case 1
                If Solution2.Items.Count > 0 Then
                    Dim Root3 =
                    From b In doc...<Section2>
                    Where b.@id = (Solution2.Text)
                    From c In b.<Root3>.<Section3>
                    Select c.@id

                End If
                ' event, fills Solution box 4 with values based on the information in Solution box 3
            Case 2
                If Solution3.Items.Count > 0 Then
                    Dim Root4 =
                    From c In doc...<Section3>
                    Where c.@id = Solution3.Text
                    From d In c.<Root4>.<Section4>
                    Select d.@id

                End If
                ' event, fills Solution box 5 with values based on the information in Solution box 4
            Case 3
                If Solution4.Items.Count > 0 Then
                    Dim Root5 =
                    From d In doc...<Section4>
                    Where d.@id = Solution4.Text
                    From f In d.<Root5>.<Section5>
                    Select f.@id

                End If
                ' event, fills Solution box 6 with values based on the information in Solution box 5
            Case 4
                If Solution5.Items.Count > 0 Then
                    Dim Root6 =
                    From f In doc...<Section5>
                    Where f.@id = Solution5.Text
                    From g In f.<Root6>.<Section6>
                    Select g.@id

                End If
                ' event, fills Solution box 7 with values based on the information in Solution box 6
            Case 5
                If Solution6.Items.Count > 0 Then
                    Dim Root7 =
                    From g In doc...<Section6>
                    Where g.@id = Solution6.Text
                    From h In g.<Root7>.<Section7>
                    Select h.@id

                End If
                ' event, fills Solution box 8 with values based on the information in Solution box 7
            Case 6
                If Solution7.Items.Count > 0 Then
                    Dim Root8 =
                    From h In doc...<Section7>
                    Where h.@id = Solution7.Text
                    From i In h.<Root8>.<Section8>
                    Select i.@id

                End If
                ' event, fills Solution box 9 with values based on the information in Solution box 8
            Case 7
                If Solution8.Items.Count > 0 Then
                    Dim Root9 =
                    From i In doc...<Section8>
                    Where i.@id = Solution8.Text
                    From j In i.<Root9>.<Section9>
                    Select j.@id

                End If
                ' event, fills Solution box 10 with values based on the information in Solution box 9
            Case 8
                If Solution9.Items.Count > 0 Then
                    Dim Root10 =
                    From j In doc...<Section9>
                    Where j.@id = Solution9.Text
                    From k In j.<Root10>.<Section10>
                    Select k.@id

                End If
                ' event, fills Solution box 11 with values based on the information in Solution box 10
            Case 9
                If Solution10.Items.Count > 0 Then
                    Dim Root11 =
                    From k In doc...<Section10>
                    Where k.@id = Solution10.Text
                    From l In k.<Root11>.<Section11>
                    Select l.@id

                End If
                ' event, fills Solution box 12 with values based on the information in Solution box 11
            Case 10
                If Solution11.Items.Count > 0 Then
                    Dim Root12 =
                    From l In doc...<Section11>
                    Where l.@id = Solution11.Text
                    From m In l.<Root12>.<Section12>
                    Select m.@id

                End If

        End Select
    End Sub
Last edited:

I looked at this yesterday and I still have not fully got my head round what you are doing but to answer your question on the list view. Here is how you can do it. Add a ListView to a form and set it's View property to Details. Add the code below and change the file name to your own and then run.

Imports System.Xml
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
  Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    Dim strmReader As New StreamReader("d:\temp\XMLFile2.xml", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)
    Dim xmlReader As XmlTextReader = New XmlTextReader(strmReader)
    xmlreader.WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.None
    Dim xmlDoc As New XmlDocument()
    Dim strXMLPos As String = "//Root/"
    For Counter As Integer = 1 To 12
      strXMLPos += "Root" & Counter & "/Section" & Counter
      Dim xml_nodelist As XmlNodeList = xmlDoc.SelectNodes(strXMLPos)
      For Each curNode As XmlNode In xml_nodelist
        Dim LVI As New ListViewItem
        With LVI
          .Text = curNode.Attributes.ItemOf("Name").InnerText
        End With
      strXMLPos += "/"
  End Sub
  Private Sub AddListViewHeader()
    Dim Headers() As ColumnHeader = {New ColumnHeader With {.Text = "Name", .Width = 200},
                                     New ColumnHeader With {.Text = "ID", .Width = 90, .TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center},
                                     New ColumnHeader With {.Text = "Label", .Width = 200}}
  End Sub
End Class

I tried solving this using a Dataset, which worked fine, but I was not able to access the information contained in your attributes so I had to revert back to using for loops above.

Hope that helps.


Thanks Ian

Let me try explain myself a little better, this picture below shows an graphical interpretation of my xml file, each parent node has two child nodes and so on for twelve generations.

Screen Shot.jpg

I want to be able to display two of those nodes in a list <id>.<Name>.<Label>, in two rows. there will be twelve list views in total each will be dependent on the previous one and clicking or double clicking on your selection will take you to the next choice.

List View 1
Is it Red or Blue (if i click on this item then the next listview will display)
Is it Black or Green

List View 2
Is it Red
Is it Blue (if i click on this item then the next listview will display)

List View 3
Is it light Blue
Is it dark Blue (if i click on this item then the next listview will display)

List View 4
You have found dark blue

But if any of the list view selections are changed above then the remaining listviews should clear until the route is specified

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <Section1 Name="Is it Red or Blue" id ="1" Label="Further Info">
                <Section2 Name="Is it Blue" id ="2" Label="Further Info">
                        <Section3 Name="Is it dark Blue" id ="3" Label="Further Info">
                                <Section4 Name="You have found dark Blue" id ="4" Label="Further Info">
                        <Section3 Name="Is it light Blue" id ="5" Label="Further Info">
                                <Section4 Name="You have found light blue" id ="6" Label="Further Info">
                <Section2 Name="Is it Red" id ="7" Label="Further Info">
                        <Section3 Name="Is it dark Red" id ="8" Label="Further Info">
                                <Section4 Name="You have found dark Red" id ="9" Label="Further Info">
                        <Section3 Name="Is it light Red" id ="10" Label="Further Info">
                                <Section4 Name="You have found light Red" id ="11" Label="Further Info">
        <Section1 Name="Is it Green or Black" id ="12" Label="Further Info">
                <Section2 Name="Is it Black" id ="13" Label="Further Info">
                        <Section3 Name="Is it dark Black" id ="14" Label="Further Info">
                                <Section4 Name="You have found dark Black" id ="15" Label="Further Info">
                        <Section3 Name="Is it light Blue" id ="16" Label="Further Info">
                                <Section4 Name="You have found light black" id ="17" Label="Further Info">
                <Section2 Name="Is it Green" id ="18" Label="Further Info">
                        <Section3 Name="Is it dark Green" id ="19" Label="Further Info">
                                <Section4 Name="You have found dark Green" id ="20" Label="Further Info">
                        <Section3 Name="Is it light Green" id ="21" Label="Further Info">
                                <Section4 Name="You have found light Green" id ="22" Label="Further Info">

I have tried your code (thank you very much) but i cant get it to display anything in the list

That's makes more sense but not sure off the top of my head what is the best way to deal with this. Let me play with it for a while.

With regards my code, it is based on the XML structure you posted yesterday. Also make sure you have changed the View Property of the ListView to Details. If you have done all that you will need to step through the code to see what is different with the file you are using.

Hope that helps.


Just for simplicity i only need the id for reference in the xml because that is the only thing that will always be unique about the node, the text on some nodes could be identical and that causes the form to see nodes it shouldn't.

Also, i did consider using treeview to display the Name and a double click on the item would display the Label, if that makes things any easier, or more practical.
No Worries,

I am 20 mins away from posting a solution so I will go with what I have at the mo so that you can see how I am doing it then you can modify as you see fit. Back in half a hour.



I have to go just now so I am posting what I have at the moment. Add 4 ListViews to a form, set their properties as follows:-

Then add the code below, change the XML file name again and then run.

You will see that this is only half way there. The issue is that for any particular element that you select there are multiple nodes that are contained within that element and there is currently no way, that I have found so far, to identify which particular nodes needs to be displayed since there is no correlation between the parent and child nodes. You may need to add an attribute to the nodes to help you identify exactly which nodes need to be selected based on the parent that is being clicked on.

Imports System.Xml
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
  Dim xmlDoc As New XmlDocument()
  Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    Dim strmReader As New StreamReader("d:\temp\XMLFile2.xml", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)
    Dim xmlReader As XmlTextReader = New XmlTextReader(strmReader)
    'read the file and load the first list view
    xmlReader.WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.None
    Dim strXMLPos As String = "//Root/Root1/Section1"
    Dim xml_LV1List As XmlNodeList = xmlDoc.SelectNodes(strXMLPos)
    For Each curNode As XmlNode In xml_LV1List
      Dim LVI As New ListViewItem
      With LVI
        .Text = curNode.Attributes.ItemOf("Name").InnerText
      End With
    'add each list view header
  End Sub
  'this add's the list view headers
  Private Sub AddListViewHeader(ByVal LV As ListView)
    Dim Headers() As ColumnHeader = {New ColumnHeader With {.Text = "Name", .Width = 200},
                                     New ColumnHeader With {.Text = "ID", .Width = 90, .TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center},
                                     New ColumnHeader With {.Text = "Label", .Width = 200}}
  End Sub
  'see that we handle all the listview SelectedIndexChanged events here
  Private Sub ListView_1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListView_1.SelectedIndexChanged, ListView_2.SelectedIndexChanged, ListView_3.SelectedIndexChanged
    Const MaxListViews As Integer = 12
    Const ControlSelector As String = "ListView_"
    'cast the clicked list view to the listview type
    Dim myListView As ListView = DirectCast(sender, ListView)
    If myListView.SelectedItems.Count > 0 Then
      'identify and save the node location here
      Dim NodeLocation As Integer = CInt(myListView.Name.Substring(myListView.Name.LastIndexOf("_") + 1, (myListView.Name.Length - 1) - myListView.Name.LastIndexOf("_")))
      'clear the other list views
      For ctrlCount As Integer = NodeLocation + 1 To 4
        Dim ControlToClear As ListView = DirectCast(Me.Controls(ControlSelector & ctrlCount), ListView)
      If NodeLocation < MaxListViews Then
        'set an object to the next control to be updated
        Dim myNextControl As ListView = DirectCast(Me.Controls(ControlSelector & NodeLocation + 1), ListView)
        Dim strXMLPos As String = "//Root"
        'create the string to read nodes from the file
        For Counter As Integer = 1 To NodeLocation + 1
          strXMLPos += "/Root" & Counter & "/Section" & Counter
        'get the node list at the specified location - this is where the error is
        'since we are picking up all nodes which bel;ong to the strXMLPos element
        Dim xml_LV_List As XmlNodeList = xmlDoc.SelectNodes(strXMLPos)
        For Each curNode As XmlNode In xml_LV_List
          Dim LVI As New ListViewItem
          With LVI
            .Text = curNode.Attributes.ItemOf("Name").InnerText
          End With
      End If
    End If
  End Sub
End Class

Hope that helps.


Thanks Ian,

My plan was to display the child nodes based on the ID of the previous listview

The code below works in a listbox and displays the child node of the parent clicked in the previous listbox, it checks the preceding listbox for the id and displays only child nodes relevant to it.

Although this worked OK, it did not give me the option to display the id, Name and Label together, hence why i changed to ListView

Imports System.Xml
Public Class Form1
    Private doc As New XDocument

    'Load XML file "Test1.xml"and put the Name tag in Solution1's List Box
    'Private Sub - for Solution 1 list box
    Private Sub form1_load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        doc = XDocument.Load(IO.Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "Test1.xml"))

        Dim Root =
                From A In doc...<Section1>
                Select Section1 = A.@id
                Order By Section1
        Solution1.DataSource = Root

        AddHandler Solution1.Click, AddressOf Solution1_Click
        Solution1_Click(Nothing, Nothing)

    End Sub
    'Private Sub - for Solution 2 list box, select Name from the choices in Root 2 Section 2 of the xml, based on the
    'value selected in Section 1 of the xml, each Solution boxes value changes based on the previouse Solution boxes value
    Private Sub Solution1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

        Solution2.DataSource = Nothing

        Dim Root2 =
            From a In doc...<Section1>
            Where a.@id = Solution1.Text
            From l In a.<Root2>.<Section2>
            Select l.@id

        Solution2.DataSource = Root2

    End Sub

    'Private Sub - for Solution 3 list box
    Private Sub Solution2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Solution2.Click

        Dim Root3 =
            From a In doc...<Section1>
            Where a.@id = Solution1.Text
            From l In a.<Root2>.<Section2>
            Where l.@id = Solution2.Text
            From c In l...<Section3>
            Select c.@id

        Solution3.DataSource = Root3

    End Sub
    'Private Sub - for Solution 4 list box
    Private Sub Solution3_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Solution3.Click
        Dim Root4 =
            From a In doc...<Section2>
            Where a.@id = Solution2.Text
            From l In a.<Root3>.<Section3>
            Where l.@id = Solution3.Text
            From c In l...<Section4>
            Select c.@id

        Solution4.DataSource = Root4

    End Sub
    'Private Sub - for Solution 5 list box
    Private Sub Solution4_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Solution4.Click
        Dim Root5 =
            From f In doc...<Section3>
            Where f.@id = Solution3.Text
            From q In f.<Root4>.<Section4>
            Where q.@id = Solution4.Text
            From g In q...<Section5>
            Select g.@id

        Solution5.DataSource = Root5

    End Sub
    'Private Sub - for Solution 6 list box
    Private Sub Solution5_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Solution5.Click
        Dim Root6 =
            From h In doc...<Section4>
            Where h.@id = Solution4.Text
            From w In h.<Root5>.<Section5>
            Where w.@id = Solution5.Text
            From j In w...<Section6>
            Select j.@id

        Solution6.DataSource = Root6

    End Sub
    'Private Sub - for Solution 7 list box
    Private Sub Solution6_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Solution6.Click
        Dim Root7 =
            From k In doc...<Section5>
            Where k.@id = Solution5.Text
            From r In k.<Root6>.<Section6>
            Where r.@id = Solution6.Text
            From m In r...<Section7>
            Select m.@id

        Solution7.DataSource = Root7

    End Sub
    'Private Sub - for Solution 8 list box
    Private Sub Solution7_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Solution7.Click
        Dim Root8 =
            From n In doc...<Section6>
            Where n.@id = Solution6.Text
            From t In n.<Root7>.<Section7>
            Where t.@id = Solution7.Text
            From o In t...<Section8>
            Select o.@id

        Solution8.DataSource = Root8

    End Sub

Thanks for all your time and effort so far.

I have to laugh at myself. It did not even occur to me this morning to use LINQ to query the nodes to get the ones that I needed to display. Dooohhhh!

Anyway here is the solution. By the way, make sure you call each ListView based on the following structure, ListView_X. X being 1 to your total ListViews.

Option Strict On
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
  Dim xmlDoc As New XmlDocument()
  Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    Dim strmReader As New StreamReader("d:\temp\XMLFile2.xml", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)
    Dim xmlReader As XmlTextReader = New XmlTextReader(strmReader)
    'read the file and load the first list view
    xmlReader.WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.None
    Dim strXMLPos As String = "//Root/Root1/Section1"
    Dim xml_LV1List As XmlNodeList = xmlDoc.SelectNodes(strXMLPos)
    For Each curNode As XmlNode In xml_LV1List
      Dim LVI As New ListViewItem
      With LVI
        .Text = curNode.Attributes.ItemOf("Name").InnerText
      End With
    'add each list view header
  End Sub
  'this add's the list view headers
  Private Sub AddListViewHeader(ByVal LV As ListView)
    Dim Headers() As ColumnHeader = {New ColumnHeader With {.Text = "Name", .Width = 200},
                                     New ColumnHeader With {.Text = "ID", .Width = 90, .TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center},
                                     New ColumnHeader With {.Text = "Label", .Width = 200}}
  End Sub
  'see that we handle all the listview SelectedIndexChanged events here
  Private Sub ListView_1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListView_1.SelectedIndexChanged, ListView_2.SelectedIndexChanged, ListView_3.SelectedIndexChanged
    'cast the clicked list view to the listview type
    Dim myListView As ListView = DirectCast(sender, ListView)
    If myListView.SelectedItems.Count > 0 Then
      Const MaxListViews As Integer = 12
      Const ControlSelector As String = "ListView_"
      'identify and save the node location here
      Dim NodeLocation As Integer = CInt(myListView.Name.Substring(myListView.Name.LastIndexOf("_") + 1, (myListView.Name.Length - 1) - myListView.Name.LastIndexOf("_")))
      'clear the other list views
      For ctrlCount As Integer = NodeLocation + 1 To 4
        Dim ControlToClear As ListView = DirectCast(Me.Controls(ControlSelector & ctrlCount), ListView)
      If NodeLocation < MaxListViews Then
        'set an object to the next control to be updated
        Dim myNextControl As ListView = DirectCast(Me.Controls(ControlSelector & NodeLocation + 1), ListView)
        Dim strXMLPos As String = "//Root"
        'identify the selected ID of the element that has been clicked
        Dim SelectedID As Integer = CInt(myListView.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(1).Text)
        'create the string to read nodes from the file
        For Counter As Integer = 1 To NodeLocation + 1
          strXMLPos += "/Root" & Counter & "/Section" & Counter
        'get the node list at the specified location
        Dim nodesToDisplay = (From MyNode In xmlDoc.SelectNodes(strXMLPos) Select MyNode, NodeID = CInt(DirectCast(MyNode, XmlNode).ParentNode.ParentNode.Attributes.ItemOf("id").InnerText) Where NodeID = SelectedID)
        For Each curNode In nodesToDisplay
          Dim myNode As XmlNode = DirectCast(curNode.MyNode, XmlNode)
          Dim LVI As New ListViewItem
          With LVI
            .Text = myNode.Attributes.ItemOf("Name").InnerText
          End With
      End If
    End If
  End Sub
End Class

Hope that helps.


Thanks Ian,
Although i am not 100% sure what you mean about naming the listviews, if i simply rename them as:-

Listview_3 etc all the way to 12

I can get the first listview to load but that is as far as it goes


What i have done is to rename my listviews as above and copied the code over, when i run it i get the Listview_1 to display my items and that is as far as it goes, so when i click nothing happens.



OK, I think I know what has happened. Check the declaration of the Private Sub ListView_1_SelectedIndexChanged event and make sure it has the Handles clause for the three ListViews being:-

Handles ListView_1.SelectedIndexChanged, ListView_2.SelectedIndexChanged, ListView_3.SelectedIndexChanged

The complete declaration should look like:-
Private Sub ListView_1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListView_1.SelectedIndexChanged, ListView_2.SelectedIndexChanged, ListView_3.SelectedIndexChanged

In addition, if you are adding your total 12 ListViews then do not forget to expand the Handles clause to include all but the last ListView since the last ListView should be the answer you are trying to display and therefore does not need to be handled in this way.

Hope that sorts it.

