Adding color to the tab index pages tabs


Apr 7, 2005
Programming Experience

This may be a dumb question, but I created an 8 page form using a tab pane and I can't seem to figure out how to color the tabs at the top of the pane. It looks terrible to leave them gray. Changing the bakckcolor property only changes the frame's color. Does anyone know the property that will change the tabs?

the only thin i can suggest is to start a user control project and inherit the tabcontrol then make your own paint event that paints each tab that's in the control, keep in mind you'd probably want the selected tab painted a different color than the non-selected tabs

i would do this type of thing myself but it will be a while before i'll have time to even consider it at which point if when i do something like that and i remember about this thread i'll send it your way, let me know how it goes for ya if ya give it a try
Hi JuggaloBrotha,

after just going through this post and doing some R &D i notice that
1>tabControl it self not exposing any Paint Event..
2> Then i captured tabpage's Paint event but i could not figured it out how to map the Header section of TabPage(i.e to find out the Rectangle area of Header which shows Page's Text....)

did u have any suggestion..............
