
  1. J

    Question How do i add a space between every character in a string?

    How do I add a space between every character in a string of text? For example: Change "abcdefg" To "a b c d e f g" I have two text boxes on my form, one for input, the other for output of the re-formatted string. Some code would be really helpful! Thanks in advance. :D
  2. I

    Resolved integer double string?

    Hey i've got another problem with my coding in this sub... Private Sub buyLemon_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles buyLemon.Click lemonL.Text += 1 End Sub 'BuyLemons can someone please tell me why its coming up with this error its...
  3. G

    Question csv-File to html-File ???

    I want to write the data from a csv-file into a html-file. The CSV contains a list of information like: post code; street; house number; I use ";" as delimiter! Now I want to put this information in a html-table. So I want to have one gap with all post codes, one with all streets. The...
  4. newguy

    Change a string, one char at a time.

    How do you take a string and strip the first character and place it at the end of the same string?
  5. N

    Question [RESOLVED] String Issues with FileGet

    I have a class that pulls the ID3 information from an MP3 file. This information is at the very end of the file in plain ASCII. The original author is using FileGet to retrieve just the last 127 characters of each mp3 file. The issue is that this information is put into strings declared like...
  6. SuperRoach

    Question Sound playback with variables instead of a string errors out

    Hello there, I am writing a very simple app that grabs a folder and makes a button for each one of them. The user can then click on the button, and have it play a random sound file located inside that one. Very rudimentary, but fun to try out. Public Sub PlayFolderSound(ByVal sender As...
  7. newguy

    Format a string and strip the end...

    Hi all, I have the format(cdbl(something.text), "f") on some of my labels, these labels display answers from math equations, how do I trim the end if it is a zero? I have looked on-line but still confused to the setup. Example: 10.4 instead of 10.40, but leave a value that is 10.41 with two...