
  1. M

    Question Image files list in listview

    i have code for filling a listbox with files with a specified extension(in this case, jpg files) Imports System Imports System.IO Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Try 'Get jpg files...
  2. C

    Question Problems adding auto width (.width = -2) to existing listview class

    Hi Forum, I'm just starting with and I'm facing a problem that would probably be relatively easy to fix for experienced developers like you. I'm using the next class to fill my listview Imports System.Data.SqlClient Public Class ListViewData Public Sub FillListView(ByRef...
  3. S

    FileView.WPF Control 2010 released.

    LogicNP Software has released FileView.WPF Control 2010 which brings a drop-in Windows Explorer file and folder browsing functionality to your app. This UI component is a perfect replacement for the plain, inflexible, modal APIs which developers are currently limited to. It offers complete...
  4. froodley

    Controls changing size for no reason

    Hey, all, Having another issue I'm hoping you can help with. My program has two lists, one a listbox and the other a listview viewed in details mode. Both of them change heights (get taller) for no obvious reason. I am having to add a call to a method that resizes them to the end of every...
  5. S

    FileView.Net Control 2010 released

    LogicNP Software has released FileView.Net Control 2010 which brings a drop-in Windows Explorer file and folder browsing functionality to your app. This UI component is a perfect replacement for the plain, inflexible, modal APIs which developers are currently limited to. It offers complete...
  6. G

    Resolved Select TreeView Node by ListView Selected Item

    Greetings, I have been playing with, and researching, this all day and can't figure it out. I have a Windows Explorer style form with a TreeView and a ListView. I've populated the TreeView with directories and when a node is selected, the ListView fills with the contents of the directory...
  7. W

    Question How to get the value of the whole column in a listview

  8. D

    Question How to change the text color of Listview's group header?

    I want to change the color of the group header text in listview which separates all the items into various groups, there is no such option to do that directly because no such property exists. As far as i can think of it can be achieved via overriding the paint event but i have not done any...
  9. R

    Question getting data from a listView

    Hi i currently have a listview on my form that is set to "details" view and is popoulated by a table in my sql database. what i want to be able to do is when i double click on a selected row i want all the details in that row to appear in another form so that i can edit them. how do i populate...
  10. A

    Question Help with advanced VB9 Web browser

    Okay, I've made a web browser in VB.NET 2008 so people who know it can help me best... Below, I have listed my problems, please help me... I save my own web browser history rather than modifying the Internet Explorer, I used to use a richtextbox but now I want to use a treeview or a list...
  11. PatelNehal4u

    Question listview in Panel Problem

    I am using a textbox which handle the name of the employee and when it get focus i am using a listview with detail view which shows all available employees and user have to select any of them. I am using all this control in a panel, unfortunately listview need more size then panel, and i cannot...
  12. M

    How to Paint OVER (Above) a ListView

    I have a listview with images. I want to cross out the images by painting an X over them (rather than having to use a images with the X already there). I am using the form paint event to paint them in. When I try this, the X's are being painted underneath the listview. I have tried sending...
  13. B

    Question Capture Listview Horizontal scroll event

    I need to know how to capture the horizontal scroll event of a listview. The project that I am working on has a listview and 6 textboxes that overlay row 0 of the listview. I'm using them to filter the contents of the columns. I have the Listview1_Resize and ListView1_ColumnWidthChanging events...
  14. Noremacam

    help keeping listview selection after refresh

    I've searched the forum but couldn't find an answer, so I hope this isn't a duplicate. I have a listview(set as a details view) that is generated from a query to my database. I have a timer set to, every 5 minutes query the database and refresh the listview with a fresh copy, so that if someone...
  15. newguy

    Find listview items.

    In a button_click event I want to check to see if no items were selected and use a msgbox to show that no items were selected before a procedure is done with the listview item text. I have tried : If listview1.selectedItems Is Nothing Then Msgbox("select an Item") end If Thanks...
  16. F


    Can you help me I don't know how to refresh the listview if I will try it to do in another form/... ?? Here is my sample code... thus my code is correct guys???? help me... anyreply here will be gratefully accepted Private Sub frm_M_part_Main_Closing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As...
  17. F

    listview Cannot add or insert the item '02' in more than one place

    That is the error when I am trying to view more than one records coming from my database. This is my chunk of code... please help me Dim strsql As String Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset Dim a As Integer = 1 lvPartMain.Items.Clear() strsql = "Select * from...
  18. J. Scott Elblein

    Question 2 Problems with ListView

    My 1st problem: I am encountering a problem with the listview, where it won't let me highlight it's FIRST row, or check/uncheck the checkbox in it via clicking. However, I can still access it's items via code. I have it set to Details view, with a checkbox, an icon and 1 subitem. Am I missing...
  19. Noremacam

    Question exceptions in column sorting

    I'm using the same method to sort my listview columns as here. I want to sort a column of dates, but I have an exception. I'm pulling the dates from the database, and when they come back null, I replace the text with "Incomplete"(the dates are for completion dates). I thought this would save a...
  20. H

    Question Apply databinding to inherited control

    I'm trying to modify the listview to have similar databinding behaviour to a datagrid with the added bonus of having the ability to group by a column in the datasource. Below is the code I have developed so far. The only problem is that this code only binds to a datatable. I'd like to be able...