
  1. K

    DataGridView Cell location problem

    I'm using the DataGridView control to display a table of textboxes and comboboxes. In one of the combobox columns, I need to popup a form when that cell is (left) clicked. I have that portion working. The part that I have issue with is locating the popup form properly. In the _CellClick...
  2. K

    FYI Column selection in datagridview

    Hello there. I'm new to the site. Not too sure if I have the right prefix for this thread, but I wanted to post a bit of code that allows for an entire column to be selected in a datagridview. I spent nearly eight hours looking for this code through various search engines and when I finally...
  3. A

    Question Datagridview, Duplicate Cell Values [non-unique to unique by appending]

    Hiya, I'm using the datagridview. This is the sample data: +---------+------------+ | f_name | l_name | +---------+------------+ | John | Hagan | | Peter | Hagan | | Peter | Champion | | Paul | Simon | | Arthur | Hoopla | | Carl | Hagan | | Kim...
  4. aarond1990

    RE: Adding Data Row, where one parameter refrences a parent table.

    RE: Adding Data Row, where one parameter refrences a parent table. Hi there, I hope this is in the correct place, as I'm new here! Okay, so the problem i'm having is as follows. I have a database (MS Access 2008) and a windows forms applicaltion (VB.NET 2008 SP3.5) Two of the tables are...
  5. M

    Question how to create an array from a column in a datagridview

    hi there: im new to programming and i have the following code: Dim dt As New DataTable Dim da As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter("SELECT FEE_NAME, convert(varchar(50), convert(money, FEE_AMOUNT), 1) FROM FEE_TABLE ", m_Connection) da.Fill(dt) DataGridView1.DataSource = dt now this will show in...
  6. K

    Question Using ComboBoxes in a DataGridView

    Hi All, I've got a DataGridView with six columns. Three of these columns are actually comboboxes (i.e. each row in the datagridview is a combobox) aka DataGridViewComboBoxColumn. I have successfully populated each combobox with the collection I want from a dataset. On form load, I want to...
  7. F

    Another helpful way to use a DataGridView

    I have seen many entries here about issues involving updating and displaying data from sources such as Access and SQL. I use SQL for all my developments so I will be using SQL in my example. SQL connection: 1. In your project properties, go to "Settings". 2. Add a connection to your project...
  8. rvercesi

    Question Loading DataGridView in Thread (several issues)

    Hi guys Still around importing Excel Files to DataGridView. Since my main problem was to keep color formating, I got to use the following function: Private Sub LoadXLSFile() Dim xlApp As New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application...
  9. kkemerait

    Linq over entities DataGridView - no Display

    Using a Linq statement to select objects from a custom collection Private Items As New Generic.List(Of T). The funtion is as follows... Public Function AllChildren() As Generic.IEnumerable(Of T) Dim Query = From Child As T In Items Select Child Return Query.ToList End...
  10. A

    Question filtering or searching with controls in a DataGridView

    Hi there, I have created a DataGridView from an MS access query (more than 12 columns!), I would like to make a search or filter the records either with an external combobox or some checkboxes to avoid showing all the columns and making a search through the controls. I know... it's a very...
  11. N

    only let the user download once

    Hi I have a query that is really bugging me!!! I currently have a label that displays the month as an int. i.e July = 7 This is called Monthtxt I also have a database that has a username primary key and fields 1 - 12 one for each month. In those fields are 0 or 1. I have a detailsview that...
  12. M

    DataGridView & DataSet with Parameters

    Using DataSets, DataAdaptors and BindingSources I have 3 DataGrids with 3 Tables with relationships table-1 is a 1-many relation to table-2 table-1 is a 1-many relation to table-3 here's the twist, table-2 has a relationship with nulls on table-3, so that table-3 always has the id of table-1...
  13. R

    Question DataGridView-When a value in 1 cell changes,how to update another cell with new value

    In my program I have a DataGridView which shows a table of orders. I want when a user changes a number in the quantity column, for my program to update the price column either after the user has left the cell or when they click 'Update Order'. I could use a sub (as below) to change the price...