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  1. waynespangler

    i can't resize my textbox control vertically

    yes - set multiline to true
  2. waynespangler

    Simple code to verify a URL working

    See if this helps. Public Class Form1 Dim UrlExists As Boolean = False Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim url As New Uri("") MessageBox.Show("The url: " & url.ToString &...
  3. waynespangler

    How to find the number of days between two dates

    You need to create a julian date class with two methods. one to convert a date to julian date and another to convert back. You can then add or subtract the julian dates to get number of days between the dates. Google for julian date code.
  4. waynespangler

    Please Help me with PopUp

    On second thought use a label. Set its visible property to false. Then use: Private Sub Button1_MouseEnter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.MouseEnter Label1.Visible = True End Sub Private Sub Button1_MouseLeave(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As...
  5. waynespangler

    Please Help me with PopUp

    Once you show another form the 1st form loses the focus. Try using a panel.
  6. waynespangler

    drawing a rectangle on top of other items

    Oh, if you are using 2003 then you may not have Using do this instead: Dim g as Graphics = ..... g.Dispose
  7. waynespangler

    drawing a rectangle on top of other items

    Yes. You don't have to worry about disposing of the object. However, you can only use it explicitly with one object. In other words: Using bmp As New Bitmap("c:\tom.bmp") End UsingWorks and Using bmp As Bitmap End Using Does not work.
  8. waynespangler

    drawing a rectangle on top of other items

    Here is how I did it. I used a form with the invisible color set to the background color. Attached is a short program. Hope this helps.
  9. waynespangler

    Need help on combo box and textbox event

    TextBox1.Text = ComboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString
  10. waynespangler

    How can I display a 'Waiting' form while open a new form?

    Instead of using a form why not use a textbox. Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click ' Show "Please wait" textbox TextBox1.Visible = True My.Application.DoEvents() ' Call the long process...
  11. waynespangler

    loop order (again)

    After this code: x = aGrid(kASC, stackCounter) add: Stop When the program stops put your mouse over the x and get the value, then run then get value of x and so on. It might be you are returning z from the aGrid.
  12. waynespangler

    loop order (again)

    I noticed it before but forgot to mention it. Reset kCounter to 0 not 1. Remenber net is 0 based.
  13. waynespangler

    Opening Forms

    As Arc said, if you have a lot of information to enter use a seperate form. I use both ways depending on the situation and the information.
  14. waynespangler

    assign 10 rightmost characters of filename to string

    Try this: Dim TheStart As Integer = InStr(Me.txtInput.Text, "N") Dim TheEnd As Integer = InStr(Me.txtInput.Text, ".") - 1 Dim TheLength As Integer = TheEnd - TheStart Me.txtOutput.Text = Me.txtInput.Text.Substring(TheStart, TheLength)
  15. waynespangler

    loop order (again)

    Your code was going thru it but you set the item to encode outside the loop so it was converting the same thing every time thru. Try this: Dim messege As String = Me.uiInput.Text.Replace(" ", "") Dim keyWord As String = Me.uiKeyWord.Text Dim mLength As Integer =...
  16. waynespangler

    crop image to picturebox

    I don't know if this helps or not but try changing the following: ocrRegion(g) and Public Sub ocrRegion(ByVal bmp) to ocrRegion(bmp) and Public Sub ocrRegion(ByVal bmp As Bitmap) and also what does your documnetation say on doc.create()? Does it take a bitmap?
  17. waynespangler

    Black Area after using the scroll bar

    How are you initating your plane? Adding another to it and destroying the first? If so try transfering it using the .clone. If your image is tied to something that is no longer there then you might get a black output.
  18. waynespangler

    Navigating Forms

    It depends on what you are doing. If anything on forms change then you sould hide the form rather than unload it. In the button click event put Form2.Show Form1.Hide Make sure that in the projects property section you select the shutdown mode as "When last form closes". This is for vb 2005...
  19. waynespangler

    VB.Net 2005: setting colors on forms

    How are you setting your colors?